May 16, 2011

This week will be a good test!

Been a pretty busy week with school and trying to buckle down. Even though i still have a month of school left. Got to check out a first aid unit inside Factoria mall. The guy is actually smiling for me in the pic lol. My cousin came for a visit as my gf and I watched his son.

The Allergy Kit
last week was really good for me no issues and problems i could remember. Only thing was just the higher heat levels that caused some stuffiness. so hopefully with the heat vial ordered along with cat/dog and prefume i will be all cured!!! but i still need finish 1-7 again before i can do the extra vials. Its just the rules to no do them out of order.

I will be doing vial 3 and 4 without any food restrictions this week

As for this coming week i will keep you posted closely since weather here is suppose to hit 70 degrees for the first time so that means higher pollen levels and ill see how pollen and tree etc vial holds up and if i only get stuffy. Have a good week all

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